Linda made it to the top of Mt Sonder in the NT -in her words: "Well I survived 5 days on the Larapinta Trail; at times it was challenging, but with the camaraderie of the other participants of all ages (16 of us) we all overcame it .... What an adventure, a real experience -the guides were soooooo goood and knowledgeable and passionate about the area and culture......One morning we arose at 1.30AM to be ready to ascend MT.SONDER at 3.30AM in the dark with head lamps, to watch the sunrise from 1,380 metres above sea level!But walking up Ormiston Gorge on the last day (9 km's) for a swim in the icy cold waterhole was refreshing.....Lastly a Very BIG THANK YOU on behalf of Shelter-box for your very generous donations, together we raised over $3,000 for DISASTER RELIEF!!!!!!!"