It was a day just made for walking as Spokes set out on the Butterflies, Birds and Bridges 4-km loop walk from the Kent Street Weir in the Canning River Regional Park. "First set aside for public use in the 19th century, today the park consists of large areas of parkland and extensive wetlands managed for the protection of biodiversity." The river is fringed with eucalyptus, sheoak and paperbark trees, extensive sedgeland, including pinked tipped samphires. It was picture perfect to see the clearly defined reflections of the vegetation in the river's mirror-like surface. Butterflies, no; birds, not many - swamp hens, ducks, wagtails, galahs - bridges, two which allowed us to cross over the river and back again. The path was wide and of varied construction - paved, gravel, wood, grass, muddy sand, level and easy walking, and well used by dogs, people and cyclists. There were several strategically placed information boards, describing the different habitats as well as distinctive wriggly signs for "Beware of Snakes". Irene's 'walk' was cut short when the battery on her scooter complained and she was forced to return and find a seat in the sun. We all eventually made our way back to the Eco Centre and café where we gathered to refuel ourselves before heading home. We will be back again in spring for birds and flowers or maybe sooner to take a ride in Castledare's miniature train, and perhaps take a walk on the short Sikh Heritage Trail in Adenia Park
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